If Chip and I could work up the enthusiasm to buy our own bikes, we might just have ourselves a new family hobby!
If Chip and I could work up the enthusiasm to buy our own bikes, we might just have ourselves a new family hobby!
Chloe has her own annoying word these days: Why?
I know it's a child-rearing cliche to complain about all the Why?s. But Connor never really went through that phase, so I was unprepared for just how horrible it is. The real problem for me is figuring out when to answer and when not to. On the one hand, you don't want to discourage learning! But on the other hand, it's obvious that Chloe is just yanking our chain most of the time. But oh what a slippery slope.
Mommy, why are we going this way?
Chloe, we are going this way so we can stop by the store on the way home.
Because we have to pick up supplies for Connor's school project.
Why? (and right here is where it goes from a good question to just being an ass)
Because we don't have the right stuff at home.
We just don't! Enough!!!
And it's not just me- the whole family is struggling with Chloe's existential angst. Chip has taken to responding, "That's not a 'why' question," which I find hilarious since he has a degree in philosophy and is now a lawyer. Wasn't 95% of his schooling spent sitting in classroom with other students, taking turns asking, "Why?"
Poor Connor hears it from her too. While watching Ben 10 yesterday, Chloe innocently turned to her brother and asked, "What's that guy doing?" He walked right into her trap:
He's fighting the bad guy.
Because he wants to destroy Earth or something.
Because he's bad!
Dammit Chloe!
When I was in college, I took a Developmental Psychology class that compared adolescence with pregnancy- these are the only two times in life, other than an illness, when a body changes so dramatically in such a short period of time. I always held this in my head, but only really considered how it would affect me on the front end of things. Yeah, I knew my boobs would never be perky again, but other than that I never thought about how my body would change afterwards. You have this vague notion of "getting back to normal." But there is no more normal. Or there is, but it's a different normal than the one you were used to.
I don't think it's unkind to tell a pregnant woman or a new mother about this, not if she asks. Your body doesn't become a horrible disaster or anything. It's just. . . different. And I think women need that warning, need to know that it's not going to be the same. You spend 30 years of your life with the same body, you know its pros and cons, you know how pants fit on your frame- it's weird when that changes. If you were 150 before the baby, when you get back to 150, it's going to be a different 150.
And so another new mom enters the fray. Should I be honest with her? Should I pretend like it's all fun and games? I know I appreciated the honesty, but I hear a lot of that "Don't scare her!" business too. What do you other moms think? Am I too harsh?
The following weekend, I used the leftover Nutella to make a dessert pizza- it was a cooked crust topped with the Nutella, white chocolate shavings and strawberries. I got the idea from a recent CA article, but since I was too lazy to make my own dough (bought it frozen from Valenza), this also required no culinary skill whatsoever.
Also requiring no skill? Wonton wrappers. I appreciate that real pasta dough is easy to make and use, but I just don't make a lot of doughs or do a lot of baking. But since I like to do my own fillings, I love the magical shortcut of wonton wrappers. They can be fried or boiled, no problem. I recently used them to make raviolis with chicken, bacon, and ricotta filling. Well, I made "beggar's purses" so that Chip would have something interesting to take pictures of, but I used the leftovers for regular ol' ravs. They worked fine fresh or frozen. I also used wonton wrappers for the smoked trout raviolis from a few weeks ago.
So there are my quick, no-skill-required tips for the month- wonton wrappers rule, and Nutella makes everything taste better. Enjoy!
Oooh, meat and potatoes. . . fancy? Nope, just the picture!
Now look at that mess of a mouth. See all those little tiny teeth, with plenty of room in between, that make her look sort of like a monkey or some other animal when she screams? I will spend the money I save on her orthodontics on shoes.