1. Songs that are inappropriately sexual but my kids sing along to anyway, oblivious to it all:
Suck My Kiss, Red Hot Chili Peppers
My Sharona (!), The Knack
Bounce, The Cab
2. Songs I hadn't heard before but now I love:
Maps, Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Nine in the Afternoon, Panic at the Disco
Dead on Arrival, Fall Out Boy (WTH?)
3. Songs that crack me up when Chloe sings them randomly:
Toxicity and BYOB, System of a Down
Testify, Rage Against the Machine
Indestructible, Disturbed
4. Songs Chip wants to master on expert on the drums:
Siva, Smashing Pumpkins
Tom Sawyer, Rush
My Hero, Foo Fighters

5. Classic rock songs Connor loves because of the long guitar solos:
Carry On Wayward Son, Kansas
Ramblin' Man, Allman Brothers
Spirit in the Sky, Norman Greenbaum
6. Songs that make Chip pee on himself laughing when I attempt to sing them:
Livin' On A Prayer, Bon Jovi
Anyway You Want It, Journey
Pretty Noose, Soundgarden
7. Bands we're missing on Rock Band
wow, I use the tuck the mic in the shoulder strap method myself :) But usually it only comes to that after Katie gets bored int he middle of a song. I need to break the good ol' Rockband out for a spin.
My Fave!! Everlong by the Foo Fighters!
The mic in the tank top is Klassy. Don't crush your cigs!
We are so missing out on the Rockband craze. We should have a Chockley vs. Wolowicz Battle of the Bands!
I remember singing along to the songs from Grease and realizing how dirty they were!! I had no idea when I was a kid!
Cute pictures, girls!
What Megan said:
About Chloe- "Dang, she's good!"
About Steph- "Well, that's one way to hold the mic!"
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