Sunday, March 01, 2009

Harpers Harpers Everywhere

This weekend we had the pleasure of meeting the extremely charming Harper B. I feel like I've known her (and her mom!) forever- hard to believe this was our first meeting! I certainly hope it's not the last.

We were so spoiled by our time with one Harper that we immediatly had to go visit another one. We didn't want any Harper-less days in our weekend!

So alert for two weeks old!

Thank you, Harpers, for making our weekend so special!


cjaxon said...

OH MY!! I just realized, I am living a Harper-less life!! THE HORROR!! Who knew that Harpers could be so darn cute!!
The only Harper's I know were from Mama's Family!

Unknown said...

It was so great to finally meet you all in person! I wish we could've hung out more, but I'm sure we'll be back soon. I know Harper would love it!