When we first arrived in St. Louis, we dropped our stuff at the hotel and immediately set out to explore downtown, with the goal of reaching The Arch. There were many cool buildings to photograph (I'll leave that part of the story for Chip to tell) and we eventually made it all the way to the riverfront.

I have to admit, I find The Arch amazing. I can't imagine ever tiring of staring up at it! Why is it so cool?

We asked the kids if they wanted to go up and look out those windows at the top. No problem! The only thing they didn't like about it was how long it took to move through the line and actually get in the space pod that took us to the top. The height was absolutely not an issue, though.

Afterwards we made it back to the hotel too late for dinner with the Wolowicz family, but with plenty of time to swim. And that concludes the short version of Day One.

great pics!!
Thanks for the shout out! So when are we doing dinner? :)
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