Because our public (read: Stacey) demands it, a few bits and pieces from our trip:
When we left at 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning, Connor said, "We'll be the only people up!" He meant it literally. A few minutes later, once we hit the road and he saw some other cars, he commented in amazement that there were, in fact, other people awake.
We won't review the Waffle House in Montgomery, AL, for Dining With Monkeys, but the short version is that our waiter had long fingernails and Connor yelled everything he said at us, as if trying to be heard over a crowd. (The preganant woman at the next table, one of three other people in the restaurant, patted her belly and made a mental note that her child will NEVER act like that in public.) And the waffles were good.
We got to the beach three hours before the check-in time at our rental house, so we rednecked it and changed into our swim suits in a public bathroom then went over to the private beach. But not until after Chloe had peed on Chip. (Waterproof swim diaper my ass! Thanks, Target.) When we decided it was time to leave the beach and eat some lunch. Sadly, some kind of drink had spilled on my cover-up so I spent the rest of the afternoon eating and shopping in just my bathing suit. So we kept the redneck thing going as long as we could.
Every day it has been in the high 80s, with hardly a cloud in the sky. Today the water was a little choppy, but other than that and a couple of days of love bugs, it has been perfect.

At the outlet mall I got a couple of work shirts and a tie for Chip, a couple of outfits for Chloe, one shirt for Connor, and a dress, a skirt, and a pair of jeans for me. Don't worry, you'll see that dress the next time I'm downtown for lunch.
Connor has fallen asleep at like 7:30 every night, while Chloe can't be bothered with sleep.
I might cry when we leave.
1 comment:
we miss you! have a safe trip home!
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