I don't really know what Connor did this week- he was too busy to bother much with his mom. (Although one night, after dinner, Chip and I walked Connor up to the square to get frozen yogurt. He asked why we were going just us, and I said because we hadn't spent much time together on vacation. He responded with, "Mom, Dad- I love you." I guess he knew what I meant.)

He definitely spent a lot of time playing hard, because each night he was exhausted, occasionally falling asleep at the dinner table. Even on days when he took a nap, he was known to turn to me at 7:30 and whisper, "Mommy, I can't stay up this late."
A lot of his energy was used playing in the waves with anyone who would join him.

He was also pretty cute on the back of this bike, exploring the Gulf Coast.

He and Chloe slept in the same room, at his insistence. It wasn't until Friday that he realized that room contained a TV, and that TV had cable. "I can watch TV in bed!" he exclaimed, and proceeded to lie there for hours until we unplugged it and forced him to eat and get fresh air.
The reason we weren't too bothered by the TV is because his revelation came the same day as the red flag. The day before, when the flag was still yellow but clearly should have been red, he busted pretty hard in the surf. He was a little skittish the rest of the day, and when the next day dawned with another red flag, we were happy we had the TV to distract him.
He played a lot of football and baseball, his sharing/taking turns skills at an all-time high in the presence of the super-cool Aunt Cory and Chris.

On Saturday night, after dinner when we were all packing up, Connor started to cry. "I wish we lived here!" he moaned. Mimi and I wiped away tears and told him that we felt the same way, but that things would still be great at home and we would see Mimi and Bwana again real soon. And while he was glad to get home and see Clark, his toys, and his friends, he still wishes his school was at the beach.
leaving is so HARD!!
welcome home. :)
It looks like you had a great time! I hope your return to Memphis (and to work) hasn't been too painful. Seeing your pics definitely makes me want to hit the beach SOON!
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