Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Saturday Night Primping


Melissa said...

Wait. I'm confused. Wasn't Saturday night the sleek, straight coif that I wasn't staring at through a jealous haze?

Unknown said...

Good Lord I thought that top picture was Chip for a second.

Stacey Greenberg said...

i was just thinking today how sweet it is that chip is always taking your picture. that dude loves you.

Stephanie said...

His love for me is rivaled only by his love for taking pictures. It's a dangerous combination.

The title refers to any Saturday night, I think, although these pictures are from a few weeks ago when we went out with Di.

Phillip said...

Reminds me of Bwana primping here in Naples. The worst part was when Ella walked him singing into his brush-microphone...

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking Phillip is envious of my wide repertoire of Broadway show tunes...and for the record, I had a string of bad hair days...I missed that special mojo you get from the chi hair dryer...