I wonder if Chip would have put the moves on me thirteen years ago if he had known that in 2007 he'd be spending our anniversary cleaning up puke and spending the day with a sick, whiny, clinging baby. Those kids in the picture didn't know what they were getting into! But I sure am glad we got into it together. Happy anniversary!

That is so sweet! I'm also struck by the fact that you both own such grownup looking clothes in the "now" picture.
Well... If you can remember
Unka Stema - that's me! Hope all is well there for you and Stephanie. We are down south in Fayetteville enjoying life and I'm getting grayer and OLDER, but loving every second of it. After 6
grandchildren, life has made an old man of my but still a kid at heart. Get back with us- Stema
Happy anniversary! And no fair getting better looking as you get older!
Was that picture taken at Fridays? Very cute - I like the fact that you celebrate your dating anniversary.
Kristy- I can't believe we have such grownup hair in the now picture!
Cathy- That was at Grady's! (See Kris Jordan in the background?)
SAM-- whatever, I was HAWT back then. Thinking about the shoulder-length hair again.
You're right though-- Steph only gets more beautiful as she gets older.
Cool hair. How was the Depeche Mode concert that night?
chip! i forgot you used to have curly hair...
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