Now, the boy wasn't even trying to make a joke. But what he said nearly made me pee my pants.
"Daddy-- what's THAT scary thing?"
My lip started to quiver, but I asked for clarification before unleashing my howl.
"What thing, Connor?" I held the paper closer so he could show me.
He put his finger directly on John McCain's face and said "THAT scary thing! Is that a monster?"
My laughter was so out of control that Connor actually freaked out and starting crying because he wasn't trying to be funny. But that's a whole different story.
Finally! Someone who wants to tackle politics in a blog. The interweb thanks you.
awesome connor, awesome!
I think Grayson and Connor were cut from the same cloth. And they spell Connor the same way :)
Yeah McCain looks like one of those guys that spells Connor with an E ... ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!
Can you imagine the horror his wife feels each night ...
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