And how is this working out for us, you might ask? For the most part, this has been a success. Not only does he accept dinner without complaint, he has even started thanking me for fixing it! I know he has his eye on earning a sticker, but I'm pretty sure the no complaining part of it has been internalized. He also doesn't expect "stuff" from me as often. (That last trip to Target was rough, but he is getting better with the idea that he might get something after ten stickers rather than getting something now now NOW.) However, I can tell that he's looking at the bottom of the chart as a time when he might be let off the hook manners-wise, so I believe we will create a replacement once this one is filled up with stickers. Once he sees there is no end in sight, he might give himself over to his southern-ness and just be polite all the time. In my dreams.

There are other benefits as well. This morning, as we were getting in the car, Connor said, "I told Dad that he was the number one dad!" I told him that was great, now get in the car. "I also thanked him for. . .something," Connor continued, and it dawned on me that he was fishing for a sticker but trying not to ask directly for it. (Which is not allowed.) And so it came to pass that I was able to teach my son the difference between "manners" and "blatant ass-kissing" at the tender age of four. Behold the power of the chart!
charts rule!
i am not above doing a chart. i think i need to wait for jiro to get a wee bit older though so he doesn't just destroy it or something.
Is there a chart that helps keep an 18 month old from slinging apple sauce across the kitchen and mushing it in his hair?
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