Note: Those of you with sharp eyes probably noticed that's not a picture of Chloe. For reasons explained over at Urf!, I didn't get a picture of her on her first day at Idlewild. So there's a picture of Connor on his first day as a Unicorn instead. Isn't that shirt cute? I handed it down to a friend, and saw him in it just last week and said, "Connor wore that his first day in a new class!" I've already forgotten what Chloe wore Tuesday. Let's hope it was clean.
To make up for it, I'll put a picture of her gorgeous hair in Connor's paragraph. At least the parts of her life we do manage to document are recorded in much higher quality.

Connor's first day as a Penguin (Forensic Scientist? It's been documented that I think they gave up too quickly once they got to the 3- and 4-year-old class names.) did not go as smoothly. For one thing, I knew he'd had no lunch- turkey sandwiches? Please. Then before we had even left the building he said, "I cried about you at nap time. I thought you would come get me." We had never discussed that as a possibility, but apparently he didn't like his new surroundings or teachers and just wanted to leave. In the car he said that the new teacher (of the two, he already knows one) was nice, but he still didn't like her. Connor is just scared of everything these days, even a move along with all his friends to a classroom two feet away. By Wednesday afternoon he was much more comfortable, although still a little clingy. It still made me sad on Tuesday, though.
But did I mention this took 15 minutes off my commute? Woohoo!
I had an epiphany while in the shower the other day. The 4th classroom at Connor's DOES follow the name thing, even though it's wrong. 1 yr old-Unicorn, 2yr old-Toucan, 3 yr old... ok, Koala doesn't make sense. But 4 yr olds are PENguins, which has the base for "penta" in it, right? But yeah, that means 5, not 4.
I'll keep working on it.
I think we have a picture of you and Chip in that same position in your kitchen from Memorial Day.
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