Our third Rock n Romp was scheduled for Saturday, September 23. All week, the weather forecast called for rain. When I woke up that morning (at 7:30! the kids were at Grammy's) the skies were clear. "Do you think. . .?" We went downstairs and checked the radar. The local radar looked good. I pulled up a regional radar- uh oh. A wall of storms was coming toward us across Arkansas. "Oh well- it's a good thing we have a rain plan!"
Fortunately, the owner of Strings & Things had agreed to let us use their space in case of rain. The only caveats were no beer and everyone signs a waiver. No problem! It was a great space- plenty of room for what was a great turn-out. Not as cool as an outdoor concert (and a keg), but definitely the next best thing.

Chip and Chloe left the house a bit after noon to pick up Tiffany and head over to help set up. Connor and I stayed home to eat lunch and take a nap. When Connor heard that RnR was after naptime, he immediately wanted to get into bed. I told him we needed to eat lunch, and he asked if we could eat while we were taking a nap. A true multi-tasker! I finally got him upstairs to bed. Within ten minutes he was running around upstairs. "I'm ready to go, Mommy!" "Connor, if you don't get in bed and get some sleep, we won't make it to the RnR!" Oh my, was that the wrong thing to say. Next thing I know, he is lying in his bed, sobbing. "I want to go to the Roooock n Roooomp!" I rubbed his back and tried to convince him that it hadn't started yet, and we would get there in plenty of time- after he took a nap. I showed him on the clock just how soon we would be leaving. Another big mistake, as he spent the remaining half hour dutifully watching said clock and whimpering quietly. I finally got him up and into the car. He fell asleep about five minutes before we got there. Not his usual hour and a half nap!

By the end of the show we were all hungry and exhausted. We cleaned up at String n Things, grabbed some Mexican food, and got home and to bed as soon as we could. Except for Chip, who stayed up past our bedtime working, but that's a different story altogether.

If you are wondering why you haven't been invited to a Rock n Romp, check your junk email folder- your evite is probably in there! If not, go to www.memphisrocknromp.blogspot.com and get on the mailing list for the last concert of the season- a Halloween-themed affair at the end of October. See you there!
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