So we've finally gotten Daddy to start playing guitar for us. Connor will either sit in front of him on the guitar case paying rapt attention, or play along on the drums or piano. Sometimes Daddy plays songs we know, like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Connor can sing along. I can't get enough of that! He needs his own guitar, because he really wants to play Daddy's. (Santa has already been consulted.)
What a great picture...my boys making music! I'm getting such a flashback of little Chippy doing the same thing with me while he listened to me playing guitar...I especially enjoyed his fake whistling of Bach and Villa Lobos melodies...
Those are MY boys! :)
i LOVE this picture!! so cute!
is chip in a band these days? i really am going to organize a memphis rock n romp!
i saw a cool drumset in the rosie hippos catalog...lemme look
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