The only problem with this unexpected reprieve is that suddenly way too much skin is on display. In early February, we are just not ready to unleash the doughiness that has been hiding underneath those sweaters and jeans. This is the time of year when I haven't been as active as normal, because it's too cold outside, or too dark, or I've been sick, etc. So things are just. . . softer. And on top of that, my skin hasn't seen the light of day in months. Some of you might maintain a nice color year-round, but not me. My skin is practically translucent this time of year.
I bravely planned to possibly wear shorts at some point this weekend, so I decided I might need to shave my legs. Like a 12-yr-old girl shaving for the first time, I sliced my shins open in several different places. This at least gave my legs some color, but I decided to go to Plan B- long pants and short sleeves. Now, my arms are the same shade of blue-ish pale that my legs are, but at least there isn't as much of them. However, it's become very clear that I haven't been doing push-ups as dilligently as I did this summer. To finish getting dressed, I pulled out a pair of open-toed shoes. Uh, no. I've been without a pedicure for months now, and my toes are a hot mess. I need to save up for some professional care before unleashing the dogs on an unsuspecting public.
Although I was reluctant to let my pale softness show this weekend, I could not have been happier that the kids were displaying theirs. I put Chloe in short-sleeves, and absolutely salivated over the sight of her Pillsbury Dough Boy arms. I couldn't decide if I should go get some butter and a fork, or just grab them and eat them up as is. And then Connor put on shorts to sleep in. Those legs! Miles and miles of lily-white goodness. I envy the kids and their doughy perfection. I might not yet be ready to show any skin of my own, but I think I need to turn the heat up and keep the kids in short-sleeves year round. And maybe start a regular exercise program.

1 comment:
Chloe looks like Connor in that picture!
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