This year we had another big Christmas. I love getting the whole family together for the holiday, and having everyone around to see what Santa brought. The only problem, if you can call it that, is that this big of a family gathering has too many presents. Woo hoo! Presents!

Santa made a stocking for all ten people in attendance, and left toys under the tree for the kids- and for me and Chip! When we went to bed, there was no Rock Band 2 under the tree. But Christmas morning, there it was. Score!

We all got lots of things to keep us busy for the foreseeable future- books, luggage, cooking tools, photography equipment, and toys. Lots and lots of toys. A big thank you to Santa and all his elves! Merry Christmas!

Wow, according to what Carrie said and what I see in the pics, our kids got a lot of the same stuff this year. You would have seen it all when you stopped by with Carrie, but they had it in their bedrooms. Two great Santas think alike. :)
well, this Carrie got Rockband as well!!! I really did not expect it to be that fun, but we have been having a BLAST!! glad Santa was so generous with everyone!!
i looove the christmas morning pjs chloe is wearing!
Hills, I'll send them to Jackson!
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