Several weeks ago, Connor partook in one of his favorite holiday traditions- he got the extra-thick toy-themed Target circular from the Sunday paper and cut out pictures of the items he wanted most. Then he cut out pictures of things he thought Chloe should want. Then he arranged them in piles according to importance. For two weeks after that, every time he saw or heard mention of a toy that he had clipped from that ad, he said, "I'm getting that for Christmas!" Eventually I've gotten him to tone it down to, "I asked for that for Christmas!"
What is it that he wants? Everything. Santa definitely heard some of his requests, particularly those for a Leapster and a Bakugan battle set (What? I have no idea.) One request will be ignored, by both Santa and his helpers: the Nerf machine gun. That's right. Nerf has a machine gun! Sure, they call it a "dart blaster," but let's not pretend for a minute that this is anything but a machine gun. Sorry Connor- not gonna happen.

Chloe, in her happy-go-lucky way, isn't fixated on any particular toy. She talks a lot about Barbies, but that might just be because I've steered her in that direction. The one thing she is certain of, however, is that she is going to meet Santa Claus and talk to him when he comes to our house. No amount of talk about moving quietly, using magic, being super-fast, or even the fact that she could sleep through a tornado will deter her from this belief. So more than any toy, she is most looking forward to talking to Santa Claus in our living room.
you should totally get someone to dress up as santa and come by for a visit before christmas. maybe the holiday armadillo can join him.
Bakugan Battle Sets are like Tickle Me Elmo, just so you know. If you actually find them somewhere, please alert me!
Yeah, I think that is when I realized how spoiled Katie is ... when she automatically assumed that everything she asked for she would receive. We have had several talks about what she can expect (namely, SOME of what she wants) but I am not sure how effective those talks have been. And she keeps adding to the list ...
Now if Santa will just brinf me that Canon 50D I asked him for :)
Why, in 2008, would you steer your daughter to stereo-typical gender-specific toys? I hope it was a Palin Barbie at least.
Good question! Once my kids ask for something and I buy it, I then gently steer them towards the existing gift when wishlist items are mentioned. Like, "Yeah, that would be AWESOME if Santa brought you a Leapster!" and "I'm not sure Santa knows how to make Bratz dolls." One of the many Jedi mind tricks I use on the kids.
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