In Connor News. . .
This morning, while Chip was in the shower and I was still in bed, a balloon popped downstairs and caused the house alarm to go off. Chip and I ran downstairs to investigate, him straight out of the shower with a face full of shaving cream and me on my bad ankle. We had a lot of adrenaline going, but not as much as Connor. The noise woke him up, and he hid in his room until the alarm got turned off and he felt it was safe to come out. “Are there bad guys in our house?” he asked timidly. It broke my heart. We went downstairs together to look around, and for me to explain to him how the alarm works. He said, “That made my legs really shaky. My hands are shaky too!” I told him that Dad and I got shaky too, and introduced the word adrenaline for him to store away for future use. A lot of kids know about bad guys from watching superhero movies, but only poor Connor actually imagines that they are coming in his house to take his TV. Man I hate living in Memphis!
In Chloe News. . .
Yesterday at school, Chloe BIT someone. That's right. She bit someone on the back hard enough to break the skin. (According to her teachers, Chloe “was having a moment.”) Wow. This is her first act of dental aggression, and I'd like to think it's her last, but I know better. I imagine the discussion we had last night about how biting is wrong will only cause her to try it again, just to see.
In Chip News. . .
Chip did not puke, get a lap dance, or lose his wedding ring while in Michigan. So he’s got that going for him.
In Stephanie News. . .
I got my ankle x-rayed, and nothing is broken. However, it is bruised in ways I’ve never seen, from my toes to up above my ankle on my leg. It was feeling better yesterday, but after running around on it while full of adrenaline this morning, it is a little worse today than it was yesterday. Wearing running shoes and an ACE bandage seems to be helping, though. Tonight the kids and I are off to Nashville, where they will play and I will do Statistics for two days. I think I'm getting the raw end of that deal, but at least I don't have to be in the office.
Go Tigers!
This morning, while Chip was in the shower and I was still in bed, a balloon popped downstairs and caused the house alarm to go off. Chip and I ran downstairs to investigate, him straight out of the shower with a face full of shaving cream and me on my bad ankle. We had a lot of adrenaline going, but not as much as Connor. The noise woke him up, and he hid in his room until the alarm got turned off and he felt it was safe to come out. “Are there bad guys in our house?” he asked timidly. It broke my heart. We went downstairs together to look around, and for me to explain to him how the alarm works. He said, “That made my legs really shaky. My hands are shaky too!” I told him that Dad and I got shaky too, and introduced the word adrenaline for him to store away for future use. A lot of kids know about bad guys from watching superhero movies, but only poor Connor actually imagines that they are coming in his house to take his TV. Man I hate living in Memphis!

Yesterday at school, Chloe BIT someone. That's right. She bit someone on the back hard enough to break the skin. (According to her teachers, Chloe “was having a moment.”) Wow. This is her first act of dental aggression, and I'd like to think it's her last, but I know better. I imagine the discussion we had last night about how biting is wrong will only cause her to try it again, just to see.
In Chip News. . .
Chip did not puke, get a lap dance, or lose his wedding ring while in Michigan. So he’s got that going for him.
In Stephanie News. . .
I got my ankle x-rayed, and nothing is broken. However, it is bruised in ways I’ve never seen, from my toes to up above my ankle on my leg. It was feeling better yesterday, but after running around on it while full of adrenaline this morning, it is a little worse today than it was yesterday. Wearing running shoes and an ACE bandage seems to be helping, though. Tonight the kids and I are off to Nashville, where they will play and I will do Statistics for two days. I think I'm getting the raw end of that deal, but at least I don't have to be in the office.
Go Tigers!
Gee, thanks for reminding me. As if I don't feel guilty enough, I am now a topic of blog conversation. But at least I didn't get a lap dance either. I would be living on the streets if I had made that part of the weekend too.
I got a VERY important lesson from you guys - under no circumstance should you take off your wedding ring while you are at a bachelor party.
I'm getting a lot of remarks about my jaw this week...it has been in the dropped position since I heard the ring news on Sunday. I think Shannon's marriage rule number one (and it's good he learned BEFORE sealing the deal) will henceforth be followed by all--and forcing the practice with a little duct tape wouldn't hurt...
see that's why missing MM this weeks stunk--i didn't get the blow by blow on the bachelor party!
how long til you can wear heels again steph?
See, my understanding of the bachelor party is that there were no "blows".
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