Chess Club was really great...
There was bovine beating on the banging wall...

Charlie managed to integrate his barf catcher with his lion costume...

Connor was Bob the Builder (again... definitely time to retire that costume) while his best bud Max was Batman. There's a joke about Batman and a builder somewhere in there, but I can't seem to find it.

And of course there was Jiro, aka Chucky, who couldn't stop himself from going after the brew. He says "Man, forget this candy-- just gimme some brew!" (See the Dining With Monkeys review of Bosco's
for more info on Jiro's love of a fine ale. Really Stacey, it's not your fault.)

It was really a great time. It feels good to have helped start something great in Memphis-- something that supports Memphis music, shackled parents, and their live-music-deprived-offspring. Can't wait to get it going again next year.
mommy's little helper.
it was fun wasn't it? :)
Yes, we attempted to go bibless before, but he's just not there yet. I'm hoping he won't need to wear bibs in the future when he discover his love of beer!
when i grow up, i want to go to bovine univerity.
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