Monday, January 12, 2009

East Memphis Sunrise

Hey, that's a good name for a drink.  What would be in it?

Anyway, the sunrise was particularly pretty this morning:


Sassy Molassy said...

Vodka, Diet Vitamin Water (lemon or orange) and a splash of grenadine?

Cathy said...

Indeed it was. Charlie sat by the window to eat his breakfast so he could watch it. I'm glad you captured it so well.

cjaxon said...

East Memphis, hmmm not sure
Vodka, Fanta Grape and a splash of Grenadine ... ewww
but if you said West Memphis I would guess it would have to come in a pint bottle, obviously some orange and grenadine ....
Colt 45, OJ, and Grenadine?

Stanfill said...

probably the name for a white wine spritzer with the white wine and the spritzer on the side-don't forget the lemon.