before heading over to spend time with the October birthday crew. Unfortunately, I forgot the presents I had so thoughtfully bought earlier in the day. Instead of exchanging gifts, we spent the night admiring Miss M's new glasses.

On Saturday, I spent the majority of the day in the kitchen with Beth and Cathy, preparing for that evening's engagement party for Tiffany and Mark. I love spending a day cooking with my friends! Especially when one friend brings a tiny baby, and the other drives up from Mississippi.

We had a wonderful time at the party, although for some reason Chip didn't really get any good pictures. Here's one with my new hair, though.

Sunday morning we "slept in" (hey- 7:30 is late!) and enjoyed a leisurely breakfast with Beth and Marshall, successfully ignoring the disgusting mess covering my kitchen. Unfortunately, the Smiths had to head out before the main event, the Titans at the Chiefs. After cheering them to victory, we headed out to the neighborhood pumpkin patch to snap some pics and pick up a pumpkin or two. I think Chip would have preferred to dress the kids in something more portrait-appropriate, but in this age of school uniforms Connor really prefers to pick out his own weekend clothes.

After the pumpkin patch, I fixed dinner for the family and then quickly cleaned myself up and headed over to Yia Yia's for a Facebook-fueled reunion with some high school friends. It was so fun! One of my fellow Roadrunners was in town from Minnesota, and managed to arrange a meet-up with me and two other townies. It was fun to see everyone and catch up on old times while learning about who we all turned out to be. I hope to have some more face-to-face meetings with some of the Ridgeway Facebook folks before too much longer.
Sadly, Connor woke up early Monday morning in order to worship the porcelain goddess. Fortunately, this extended my busy weekend by a day, allowing me time to finally get that kitchen cleaned up and take a little bit of a nap. Not until last night did I truly feel I had recovered- I'm too old for that much activity!
That sounds like the most fun weekend ever! Chloe's costume rocks. And despite the fact that we have 9 million dress up outfits, I totally want the care bear! And why do your kids look so big at the pumpkin patch? They are growing up too fast!
ok I had to come back to the page, just so see Chloe again. The sunglasses are really an essential part of the outfit! That is silly and wonderfully hilarious, and it has made my day!
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