1. Morris Day and the Time, y'all!
2. When Vince Gill poked fun at Kanye West's arrogance.
2a. When the camera went to Kanye for a reaction shot and I narrated what his seatmate, Rita Wilson, was thinking. "Ooooh suh-nap! Wait, why am I sitting next to Kanye West?" Then I laughed and laughed. Man I'm funny!
3. Realizing how awkward Alicia Keys is when not behind the keyboard.
4. Anything related to the Foo Fighters.
5. Rhapsody in Blue
6. When we flipped over to "The 100 Most Outrageous Moments of All Time!" during a commercial and saw this clip.

1. There's something sticky in my hair
2. I have to poop
Things I Tried at McAlister's That Were Actually Pretty Good
1. French Dip
2. Mashed Potatoes with Gravy (two thumbs up)
3. Chocolate chip cookie
4. Sugar cookie
5. PB&J
Things I Tried at McAlister's That Were Remarkably Bad
1. Hot dog
A list SAM has already heard: Songs I Heard on the Way Home and Knew All the Words To
1. Self-Control -Laura Brannigan
2. Boyz N the Hood -Dynamite Hack version, but still
3. Head To Toe -Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam
4. Gold Digger -Kanye West
5. Back in the High Life -Steve Winwood

1. Jack
2. Ayden
3. Madison G.
4. Madison H.
5. Madison K.
6. Briley
7. Stella
8. Rosemary
9. Kyle
10. Kelton
11. Kelsey Bra.
12. Kelsey Bro.
13. Peter
14. Hayley
15. Eight other kids he's never mentioned, but I was told to send 22 valentines so I assume they exist
I kindof liked Alicia Keys' stomp-dancing.
Great, now I'm going to have Gold Digger stuck in my head all day.
won't you be sad when you move closer to work and won't have time to listen to all of those songs?1
How did Amy Winehouse's reaction to winning and her skinny leg dance not make that list?
Someone other than Dynamite Hack does that song, too?
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